Strikes (Knockout)


3-4 Player Groups


Varies – usually 2-3 hours



Losers take strikes (points), get too many and you’re out. Straightforward format for all skill levels

  • Players are sorted into 3-4 person groups each round
  • Wins are 0 points/strikes. 2-3 depends on the scoring format
    • Fair Strikes: 0/1/1/2 or 0/1/2
    • Progressive Strikes: 0/1/2/3
  • Strikes to get knocked out vary. Usually 3 (fast), 5, or 7 (long, 4+ hours). At OLPH it’s usually 5, which takes 2-3 hours, but may be adjusted based on attendance.
  • Not a timed format – play goes until the one person is left standing

Additional Notes

  • Pairings managed by matchplay – login and load up.
  • Unless otherwise noted, no extra balls – plunge them for skill shot or bonus, but do NOT touch the flippers
  • Usually each round will sort groups by current score (i.e., play folks with similar standing), though this is up to the organizer

Flip Frenzy!




2-3 hours



More pinball, less waiting! This is a fun, fast-paced format where you’ll play more games than strikes or knockout. Players are also incentivized against long, drawn out matches

  • Players are entered into a que for one-on-one matches.
  • A win is 1 point, a loss is -1. Most points wins.
  • This is a timed format. Play goes on for a set time, then no new games fire. Get in as many as possible!
  • It’s not just about how well you play your games, it’s about how many games you play. Putting up a billion on Godzilla is cool, but while you’re showing off someone’s winning five games on Trident!

Additional Notes

  • Que is managed by matchplay – login and load up.
  • This is a timed format, so YOU are responsible for watching the que and being ready when you’re up. If your opponent doesn’t show up quickly, grab a TD and we will start a 2 minute countdown. If they don’t show, it’s an auto-loss. No whining, we’re adults and watching matchplay is not hard.
  • We typically do a break every hour during; the total pause time will be at least 15 minutes, but we will give at least10 minutes from the last match finishing after pausing the timer.
  • Conceding a match at any point is fine. Plunging your ball rather than playing if you’re way ahead is also fine.
  • Both players MUST play at least one ball each game – no colluding to just give someone a win.
  • Unless otherwise noted, no extra balls – plunge them for skill shot or bonus, but do NOT touch the flippers
  • Pairings are first available, meaning matchups are quasi-random.



3-4 Player Groups


Varies – usually 2-3 hours



Winners get points, most points wins. Easy to understand, casual format

  • Players are sorted into 3-4 person groups each round
  • Point systems vary. Most common is 7/5/3/1, but may be any setup announced up front. We sometimes use 4/2/1/0 for finals, giving the winner a bonus point.
  • Events are may run for a set time, set number of matches, or until someone reaches a set score

Additional Notes

  • Pairings managed by matchplay – login and load up.
  • Unless otherwise noted, no extra balls – plunge them for skill shot or bonus, but do NOT touch the flippers
  • Usually each round will sort groups by current score (i.e., play folks with similar standing), though this is up to the organizer

Best Card


Solo (or Groups)


Varies – usually 2-4 hours



Play a set of games, earning points for your placement on each. Easy to understand, casual format

  • A list of game arenas is provided; que up to play each once only
  • Points awarded on each game arena based on your overall placement against others on that game
  • You can usually enter multiple times, but each entry is a full card of games – you can NOT replace scores on individual games, you have to improve score overall

Additional Notes

  • Often the number of games for a card is less than the number of arenas in play – this means you can pick the ones you are best at, and avoid ones you don’t want to play.
  • In some variations, you might play X different arenas but get to drop one or more. For example, you play 6 arenas for a card but only your best 5 arenas count

One-Ball Challenge!


Solo Play


Unlimited Entry over 2-4 hours



Get the highest score you can with just ONE BALL!

  • Game is set to one-ball only, no extra balls, usually $0.25 per play
  • LOG IN with Insider Connected to get on the limited time Leaderboard
  • Highest scores at end of event win – enter as many times as you like!



Solo Play / Groups


Varies w/ course length



Reach a target score or objective in as few balls as possible!

  • Machines typically set to five balls, with score or objective posted on machine.
  • Your score on each “hole” is the number of balls taken to meet the objective. Like golf, lower scores are better.
  • If you fail to meet the objective in the provided number of balls, you get +1 score (i.e., scratch on a 5 ball game = 6 points)
  • Usually courses are played in a group of 3-4 people, plunging balls once you meet the target.

Additional Notes

  • Once you meet the target, get your score recorded and plunge remaining balls to keep the course moving. If you play additional balls, they WILL be added to your score.
  • This is a great social format, and good for new players since it’s not direct competition. Objectives also can encourage newer players to learn about games.
  • Unless dedicated scorekeepers are assigned, have another player in your group sign off on scores.

Single Elimination




30-60m per round



One-on-one – the ultimate competitive experience! Typically reserved for finals

  • Best out of three or five (can be more, but not here)
  • Winner moves on, loser is out.
  • Losers may be sorted by either head-to-head loser brackets or single-round matchplay.

Additional Notes

  • Each player usually chooses one game (two if playing to five); highest seed chooses tie breaker game if needed.
  • Player who did not chose the game gets player order choice.
  • Any final-match ties will be broken by pistols, 10 yards at daybreak. Or one ball on the game of TDs choice.
  • Unless otherwise noted, no extra balls – plunge them for skill shot or bonus, but do NOT touch the flippers
  • Usually each round will sort groups by current score (i.e., play folks with similar standing), though this is up to the organizer

Best Game (“Herb” Style)




Varies – usually several
hours or multiple days



Play regular games on multiple machines, gaining points for how your best score stacks on those machines against all other players.

  • Several games are assigned for the tourney; usually only your best X scores on individual machines are scored.
    • For example, there may be 8 arenas, but only your top 5 placements on different machines count toward standings.
  • For each machine, players receive points toward standings based on how their best score compares with all others.
  • There are many ways to set scores from machine standings; currently we use simple linear scoring, which converts each place to a percent of 100 (100/99/98/etc.)
  • You may enter multiple/unlimited times, trying to improve scores on individual games.
  • Entries buy you X attempts on whichever machines you chose; i.e, $5 buys five attempts on whatever games you like – you could play five different games, or five games on one machine trying to improve.
  • Scores must be submitted to a scorekeeper; raise your hand when your game finishes (and please be patient!)

Additional Notes

  • Usually used as a qualifying round over several hours, with finals for the top players after.
  • Format usually requires use of Matchplay or NeverDrains to manage ques on individual machines.
  • Any final-match ties will be broken by pistols, 10 yards at daybreak. Or one ball on the game of TDs choice.
  • Unless otherwise noted, no extra balls – plunge them for skill shot or bonus, but do NOT touch the flippers

How To Setup Matchplay

Matchplay is where you’ll go for everything during most events – round parings, standings, and even putting in your results from matches.

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in or select “create a free account” and do so


  1. Once logged in, search for the current event you are participating in
  2. Click “Players” up top, find your name in the list and click it
  3. Select “Claim Player”