SIP Challenge Coins

Each year a limited number of coins will be available to win & wager. Collect them for year end prizes!

Coins & How They Work

There are 100 coins, each with an individual value of 1-100. Coins may be won at league nights, other events, by completing challenges over the course of a season, or by wagering them against other SIP members. Collect them to win big prizes at the end of the year!

Coin Rules
  1. You may have an unlimited number of coins at any one time.
  2. You may only win one coin at any individual event. You may win multiple for season or other extended time challenges.
  3. You do not have to disclose how many coins you have, or their values. However, if you have more than one coin you must admit this if asked.
  4. You may trade or barter them with other SIP members.
  5. You may wager them, face down (unknown value) or face up, for coins with any SIP member.
  6. If someone issues a challenge, you may not turn it down UNLESS:
    • You are in Lower Tier that week
    • You have already lost a challenge that week
    • They wager something other than a coin
  7. Rules are subject to minor changes this season to improve the experience at DBR’s discretion. No sea shifts, but the first time through we may learn a thing or two.
How to Win WITH Coins

Prizes will be awarded at end of year; there will be a selection of prizes including at least one banner and one translite. Players may win only one prize.

  1. Most total points. (Last to choose, thus gets the item of their choice)
  2. Most total coins (ties broken by highest value single coin)
  3. One coin only: Highest value
  4. Lowest total value with 3 or more coins
  5. Second Most points
  6. Third most points
  7. One coin only: Lowest value (you may NOT win this if you have more than one coin)
  8. Coin #13
  9. Fourth most points
  10. Additional ways may be added depending on prize support
Ways to WIN Coins

Winners will usually pull a random coin from the pool, which may or may not be limited to certain values.

  • Meet Challenges: Each meet at least 4 coins will be available to win.
    • Most points for the Meet (ties broken w/ single ball on game of lowest rank player’s choice)
    • Winner of Trivia
    • Winner of Bingo or other challenge

  • Season Challenges: These will be ongoing challenges throughout a Winter/Summer/Fall season, each of which may only be collected once (first person to achieve) unless otherwise noted.
Any ties will be broken with a single ball on a game of the lowest ranked player’s choice.
Most ImprovedAndy Fuxa
Most Fun to Play WithZak Kamerer
Best Attitude/Most Sportsman-likeCourtney Smock
Most Likely to Come BackQuentin Cordy
Most HelpfulChad Churchman
Any ties will be broken with a single ball on a game of the lowest ranked player’s choice.
Play throughout the season – coins will go to the top name as of Finals on 22 AUG

Additional coins may be made available for limited time or event specific challenges at DBRs discretion.