SIP Challenge Coins

Each year a limited number of coins will be available to win & wager. Collect them for year end prizes!

Coins & How They Work

There are 150 coins, each with an individual value of 1-150. Coins may be won at league nights, other events, or by wagering them against other SIP members. Collect them to bid on prizes at the end of season!

Coin Rules
  1. You may have an unlimited number of coins at any one time.
  2. You may only win one coin at any individual event.
  3. You do not have to disclose how many coins you have, or their values. However, if you have more than one coin you must admit this if asked.
  4. You may trade or barter them with other SIP members.
  5. You may wager them in a Coin Challenge, face down (unknown value) or face up, for coins with any SIP member.
Coin Challenge Rules
  1. Standard Coin Challenge: One player challenges another to a normal 3-ball game of that player’s choice, each player putting up a coin face-down of their choice, winner takes both.
  2. If someone issues a Standard Coin Challenge, you may not turn it down UNLESS:
    • You are in Lower Tier that week
    • You have already lost a challenge that week
  3. Non-Standard Coin Challenges: You can issue any challenge on any terms you care to invent, however players may always decline non-standard challenges. Some suggested ideas:
    • Group challenge, winner takes all coins
    • Split flipper with partner of choice.
    • One-hand challenge
    • Tommy Dollar challenge (put bills on the glass to obstruct view)
  4. Upper Tier players may challenge Lower players; however the challenged player may decline or select another player as their “champion.” Upper players who issue such a challenge must play versus the selected champion (presuming the champion agrees).
How to Win WITH Coins

At the end of each season, at least three items will be “auctioned” for coin points. Banners, translites, other cool stuff. Coins MAY be held between seasons for use in later seasons. Coins spent on auction items will go back in the pool and be distributed via additional challenges by the Coinmaster.

Ways to WIN Coins

  • Meet Challenges: Each meet at least 5coins will be available to win.
    • Top 3 in Trivia or first 3 Bingos
    • One person who brings a snack. If multiple folks bring one, a coin will be pulled at random and the closest guess gets it
    • Lowest score for the night. This will be given out at the following meet; ties will go to the lowest season score.
    • NOTE: Only one coin can be won per night; if a person would win a second, it goes to the next in line (4th in trivia, for example)
  • Season Shout-Outs
    • 5 coins are given out the the winners of awards voted on at end of season.
  • Top 3 and Bottom 3 Season Scores (at end of season)
  • Three additional coins will be raffled off at the first meet of the season

Additional coins may be made available for limited time or event specific challenges at the Coinmaster’s discretion.