SIP League Rules

1.  Introduction

The Southern Indiana Pinball (SIP) League rules are based on the Toronto Pinball League, Buffalo Pinball League, and Free State Pinball Association (FSPA) official rules, with modifications based on variable attendance and skill levels.  SIP League rules are designed to allow players of all skill levels to play in a single league that is fun and competitive for everyone, while meeting International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) standards to generate WPPR points and rankings.

1.1.  League Officials

SIP League is run by a group of volunteer Senior League Officials (SLOs). They are responsible for making sure the league operates, including collecting and tracking league finances, booking meets, running meets and tournaments, maintaining the league’s online presence, and enforcing the league rules.  In general, it is expected that the SLOs will vote on major league policy changes, including rule changes, fee increases, and player disciplinary actions. 

Consider it a benevolent dictatorship designed to provide fun for you, with a low tolerance for BS.

1.2.  Rulings by SLOs

During any SIP event, a ruling may be required by an SLO.  Any player may request a ruling based on a malfunction, stuck ball, player error, etc, however it is not required if all players in the group agree on an outcome.  All SLO rulings are final (no whining).

Keep in mind that the SLO team are also players; if you need a ruling on something and a SLO is currently playing a match, find a SLO who isn’t playing currently or wait until the SLO has finished their turn.

1.2.1  Requesting Rulings

Any player may request a pause for a ruling in a match they are participating in. In this event any turn in progress may be completed but no further player turns maybe initiated until a ruling is provided. A one group player should wait at the machine to prevent further play while another finds an SLO. All players must abide by any request to pause for a ruling, and if a ruling is desired it must be requested immediately – allowing play to continue without pause is considered accepting the current state, and SLOs will typically not provide rulings if the next player has been allowed to play without requesting a pause for ruling.

Likewise, any request for a ruling should be respected by all players – everyone should always be made to feel comfortable requesting a ruling. Any player actions or attitudes seen otherwise by SLOs will be addressed directly, and if persistent, will result in penalty of a meet score of zero.

1.3.  Discretion of League Officials

These rules are a guide. Situations will arise that aren’t specifically covered by these rules; the SLO should make a decision in the spirit of the rules. This decision shall be documented for later reference, and be applied consistently should the situation arise again.

Rulings shall be made by any member of SLO Team. Any designated official is excluded from ruling on any play situation that directly affects their actual or potential standing as a player, and may recuse themselves from rulings with actual or perceived conflicts of interest

Additionally, the SLO of a league may choose to override specific rules in this guide if he/she deems that such modifications are beneficial for that particular league. Any such modifications shall be made prior to the start of the season or match, and announced to players at the league location and on this website.

1.4.   Season

A single season of league play consists of a number of seven or more meets, typically on Thursdays. At the end of the season, a playoff tournament will be run and league members will compete for the title of SIP Champion.

While players are generally expected to attend all weeks of a season, this may not always be possible, so a player’s lowest weekly score will be dropped, whether that is zero (absent) or nonzero.

2.  Regular League Nights

Each meet, players are arranged into groups of three or four, depending on attendance.  Players are placed in groups based on current league rank for the season, with new players assigned placement by an SLO for seeding purposes based on IFPA rank or approximate skill level.

A match consists of four games, played on four different machines (if possible) during a single meet. All games are played in multiplayer mode, where players alternate turns and scores are displayed simultaneously on the machine.  If a machine does not allow the required number of players to play simultaneously, the order on the score sheet should still be followed, with the maximum number of players completing their full games in sequence.  At the end of each match, scores are recorded for the purpose of awarding an overall season winner.

2.1.   Start Time

Any practice games in progress by league players at league start time (7PM unless otherwise noted) are immediately halted at SLO’s discretion. Players join their assigned group and begin league play immediately. Announcements will typically be made five minutes prior to start time; games in progress should likewise be halted at this time.

  • Upper tier will always have 16 on the weekly roster (players not in attendance are not replaced, however)
  • Players not in attendance do not move tiers for the next week.
  • Players in the top 8 season standings stay in the upper tier regardless of the week’s performance; those in the bottom 8 stay in lower.
  • Likewise, any player placed in the top 8 for the season at the end of the week moves up regardless of that week’s performance.

2.3.  Group Size

If the number of players is a multiple of 4, players will be arranged in groups of 4.  If the number of players is not a multiple of 4, players are arranged into as many groups of 4 players as possible, with remaining groups having 3 players. Ranking is based on the final score from each player’s previous week and overall season standing.  This allows movement between skill level groups on a weekly basis.

2.4. Announced Lateness

If a player gives advance notification of possible lateness, the SLO will place the player in the appropriate group prior to beginning play. If a player arrives after their group begins play, the player may join the game in progress if possible. Joining the game is permitted if the machine permits it, and the last player of the group has not finished their first ball. Adding players should be done so as not to disturb the person currently playing. If unable to join the game in progress, the late player will receive a score of zero (0) for that game. Unannounced Lateness

2.5.   Unannounced Lateness

If a player arrives late unannounced, the SLO will attempt to place the player in a match within their division as in 2.5, with a score of zero for any matches already in progress. If there is no group available to join in their division (i.e., a group of three), they will receive a score of zero for the full meet.

Note that any decision regarding lateness by SLOs is final; it is your prerogative to plan so that you are on time. Likewise, “announced” lateness is solely at the discretion of SLOs – we cannot guarantee receipt of messages, especially in the busy hour prior to start of a meet. Frequent issues with lateness may result in being waitlisted for future seasons to allow space for other members to join.

2.6.   Leaving early

If a player needs to leave a meet early, they will receive a machine score of zero on any games they are absent, unless alternate arrangements are agreed on by the remainder of the group and the SLO (for example, allowing a player to play ahead of their group and record their scores separately).

3.   Scoring

It is each player’s responsibility to be sure that their machine scores are recorded correctly on the scoresheet as each game is finished. In order to avoid errors, scores must include commas to separate thousands, millions, etc. Any possible scoring errors should be brought to the attention of the SLO as soon as possible. Once notified of a possible error, the SLO shall contact all the players in the affected group to determine their recollection of the scoring. If all players are in agreement, then the scoring will be corrected. However, if all players in the group do not concur with the reported error, then the scores as written on the scoresheet shall stand.

3.1.   Game Points

The player scoring highest, second, third, and fourth on a machine will respectively receive 7, 5, 3, and 1 game points.  3 player groups will score 7, 4, or 1 points.  A score of 0 will be given if the player is not present or is otherwise disqualified from an individual game.

3.1.2   Meet & Season Score

The Meet Score will be the sum of all game points for the night. The Season Score, which determines rank, will be the sum of all Meet Scores, minus the lowest score.

3.2.   Ties

In the unlikely event of two or more scores on a machine being tied, an average point value of the tied positions will be awarded for each tied score. For example, a tie for 2nd place would earn each player 4 points.

3.3.   Scorekeeping

At regular meets, players will be able to enter their group scores via Matchplay, and are expected to do so whenever possible. If temporary issues prevent this, SLOs are able to enter scores. Any corrections to entered scores should be brought to an SLO as well.

4.  Machine Selection & Play Order

At the start of each meet, machines will be assigned to the group in semi-random fashion by matchplay. Changes to the machines selected may be made by SLOs at their discretion to keep play time efficient.

4.1.   Machine Play Order

Play order of the machines each evening is not fixed; when ready for their next game each group should move to the next game on their list that is currently available. SLOs may also announce if a particular machine has been chosen by multiple groups; in these cases groups should try to play those machines as soon as available to minimize backlogs.

Typically a break will be taken after the second game of the meet for Trivia, drawings, or other side-quests.

4.2.   Machine Replacement Selection

If a machine becomes unplayable during league play, a replacement machine will be selected by an SLO. This must if possible be a machine not already chosen for play by the group at that meet.

4.3  Player Game Order

Player order is set by Matchplay, such that each player should rotate through each position. Player order may be altered at SLO discretion.

5.  Finals

5.2.  Finals Divisions

The top 12 players (or top 8, if there are fewer than 30 in a season) are eligible for A finals to determine ultimate IFPA rank for the season. A Social Finals tourney will be held at the same time; all paid members are eligible for this tourney. Guest players are not allowed for a playoff tournament.

5.3.  Division Eligibility

Players are placed into A or Social division based on the current season standings, provided they have paid season dues and attended a minimum of 5 full meets.

5.4.   Playoff Format and Machine Selection

A division finals will be played either as a single elimination bracket or in a Group Knockout format. Machine selection will be at SLO discretion; typically a pool of six machines is selected and assignments are either selected by players or at random by matchplay.

Social finals format may vary from season to season, but is typically Matchplay or Team Best Card

5.6.     Ties

In the event of a tie for standings before finals, a winner take all match will happen between all the affected parties.  A single game will be selected by the SLO team and order of play for the tie will be based on scores from the last league meet.

5.8.    Prizes

The top 4 in A division win cash prizes. The cash prizes are determined on the day of the playoffs, with the pool including season dues after season expenses (food, beverages, prizes, etc.). Additional prizes may be provided by the league, venue, or other members.

For a 4 player payout, the prize pool is divided proportionally in a 50/25/15/10 split, rounded to the nearest dollar increment. 

6.    Fees and Dues

6.1.   Season Fee

The SLOs will collect the season fee at the beginning of each season (Winter, Summer, Fall). Fees are set at $30 for the season, which covers league operating expenses, IFPA fees, food for the playoffs, and tournament prizes.  SLOs will budget a minimum of 50% of league fees for the finals prize pool. Players must pay the season fee to compete for points in any regular league meets.

6.2.   Occasional players and first time players

If a player is not ready to commit to full Season membership, they can play one week per season with no league fees (host fees still apply) if space is available in a group that would otherwise have only three players, and at the SLOs discretion.  Any matches played in this manner will not be scored for that player, even should they later pay dues and join; league players will submit all scores as a group of three as if the visitor was not playing. This accommodates both visitors and new players without affecting existing league scoring.

After one free week, players must pay the $30 league fee to keep playing. Guests will be for the meet by the SLO based on skill level, or in the lowest ranked group with less than four players.

6.3.   Host fee

When playing at non-arcade locations where machines are set on free play, a $10 host fee is also charged. This money goes directly to the host, to compensate them for the time, effort, and parts required to keep the machines in league-ready shape.

6.4.   Games

At locations where games are not set to free play, players will pay for all of their own games.

6.5.   Guests

At public venues, paid members may bring guests at their discretion. Guests considering joining may play in the league once without paying dues, as outlined in 6.2. For any meet at a private venue, guests must be cleared with the host for that night. If approved, they must also pay the Host Fee.

Members are however fully responsible for their guests behavior during the meet: should a guest cause significant distraction or negatively impact other members’ play experience SLOs will provide one warning, and then may penalize you at their discretion up to and including a score of 0 for the match.

7.    Machine Play Rules —General

7.1.    Extra Balls

Unless otherwise announced by the SLO, all extra balls must be plunged and not played normally. These are referred to as “unallowable” or “plunged” balls in this document. SLOs may, however, announce at the start of a meet or season that extra balls are playable on a specific machine (typically one where ball times are short and achieving extra balls is challenging). Buy-ins for extra balls are not allowed

When a player is required to plunge an extra ball, the player may touch the machine to set up a skill shot before launching the ball. Once the ball is set into motion, the player may no longer touch the machine – doing so will result in a score of zero for that game. If the ball is returned to a launcher lane that requires a manual plunge (e.g. by a ball saver), the player may re-plunge the ball.

7.1.1   Stuck Extra Balls

If a plunged extra ball becomes stuck somewhere on the machine, the player may attempt to nudge the machine to free the ball. If nudging fails to free the ball, and there is no operator present to free the ball, the player (or SLO) will be required to tilt the game in an attempt to free the ball. No compensation is provided in this event, nor is it considered a major malfunction.

7.2.    Consolation balls

In the event that a ruling by an SLO results in a player needing to play a consolation ball, the following rules apply:

  • If the player has earned, or has the potential to earn one or more extra balls, they may choose to play one of them at any point in the game.
  • In cases where machines are set to more balls than are customary (e.g. a 3 ball game set to 4 balls for a tournament), the fourth ball may be played.
  • Once the game is completed, the player may play a single ball on a new game on the same machine and have the score of this ball added to the score from the previous game. Note that the state of the machine (modes etc) will not be reset to a state that the player was in during the previous game.

Note that if the game allows a “buy in” feature for an extra ball, the player may not use this feature to continue at the end of their game.  This is because this often awards extra bonuses to a player that would result in an unfair advantage, e.g. free mode or multiball starts.

7.3.  Replays and Specials

No award is given for credits earned by replays or specials during league play. If a machine awards extra balls for replays or specials, they are played as prescribed in the Ball Save section.

7.4.   Malfunctions

The unique charm of pinball lies, in large part, in the physical nature of the game. Unfortunately, this means that unusual events and outright malfunctions cannot be prevented, nor can they be perfectly compensated for. SIP attempts to strike a balance between compensating for malfunctions and accepting the physical nature of the game.

In certain cases, malfunctions will be dealt with more strictly during playoff rounds than during league nights, at the discretion of the SLO

7.4.1.      Minor Malfunctions

A minor malfunction is any incident without external cause which deviates from the normal course of gameplay, without directly causing a player’s loss of turn and without providing any player a significant advantage over others. A minor malfunction is considered part of normal play. Tournament officials shall determine what constitutes a significant advantage; in the event that such an advantage is obtained, refer to “Beneficial Malfunctions”.

A minor malfunction that occurs repeatedly, to the extent that it is markedly affecting play of the machine, may be considered a major malfunction at the sole discretion of tournament officials.

The following examples would be considered minor malfunctions:

  • A player tilts away a stuck ball when it was not clearly necessary.
  • A multiball round ends prematurely but does not result in loss of turn.
  • A ball goes airborne and drains.
  • A lit kickback fails to kick the ball back into play.
  • A ball saver fails to work.
  • A player tilts another player’s ball. (This is Interference.)
  • Minor game features not working as intended (e.g. a single switch not scoring in a context such that the majority of the game can still be played)
  • Feature lights not working

7.4.2.      Major Malfunctions

A major malfunction is a gameplay problem with a machine that results in the premature loss of ball in play in a fashion that is not a normal feature of the machine’s gameplay. These may be unusual one-time events, or they may indicate a recurring problem that will need to be addressed by technicians.

The following are examples of major malfunctions:

  • A turn ends prematurely (i.e. with 1 or more balls in play).
  • A ball is auto-plunged or otherwise shot into play prematurely.
  • Game resets
  • The bonus count begins while the ball is still in play. This can happen if, for example, the machine loses track of how many balls are in the drain trough.
  • Major game features not working that significantly impact gameplay.
  • A flipper ceases to function

If a problem with a machine is announced to league players by the SLO before league play is started, then that problem is not considered a major malfunction even if the result is loss of ball in play.

Any malfunction that results in the loss of one or more balls during multiball play, without losing all balls so as to end the player’s turn, will only be considered a minor malfunction. Loss of Tilt warnings, without loss of ball, shall not be considered a major malfunction. Loss of any lit feature, running mode, or other gameplay specifics, shall not be considered a major malfunction.

When a major malfunction occurs, it is the player’s responsibility to notify the SLO, calmly and promptly. If the SLO agrees that the incident is a major malfunction, the player will be provided with a consolation ball. The player’s total score on the additional ball of play will be added to their previous score, and the new game will be terminated. An earned extra ball may be substituted for the consolation ball if, and only if, the SLO is notified prior to playing that ball and approves (certain games where bonus is a substantial part of gameplay may create an unfair advantage).

If a major malfunction occurs early in the play of the first ball by the first player, tournament officials may rule that the current game is voided and the scores discarded. Machine repairs will be attempted and the player(s) will restart their play without needing to track the previous score.

In the event that two or more major malfunctions take place during the same game, the current scores of the player(s) will be recorded, and the game terminated. Once the machine has been repaired, players will be provided additional ball(s) of play on a new game, as necessary to provide the correct number of balls of play for each player. Alternatively, SLO may choose to allow the affected player(s) to replay the game from scratch, on the same or a different machine, and the higher score for each player will be recorded as their official score, except in any case where the original score was unfairly improved by the malfunction or was significantly increased during attempts to investigate or cure the malfunction. In the event that a recurring major malfunction cannot suitably be repaired, the failure must be treated as a catastrophic malfunction.

Under certain specific conditions, a major malfunction may be declined by the player. This must be approved by the SLO, and must not result in a situation which provides an unfair advantage to the player. The SLO can declare a machine unplayable at any time if it is not functioning properly and the resulting malfunction(s) will, in their estimation, impair the ability of players to obtain fair scores. If the first ball played by all players result in major malfunctions, or if play cannot be continued on a machine for any reason, the machine is automatically declared unplayable for the rest of the meet, or until the machine is repaired. In these cases, the entire game is replayed immediately on a machine designated by the SLO.

7.4.3.      Catastrophic malfunctions

Catastrophic malfunctions, such as slam tilt, total machine failure, fire due to overheated components, main processor halts, and similar events are handled on a case by case basis, using the malfunction rules described above if possible. Frequently, catastrophic malfunctions will invalidate all scores for that group on that machine, however, depending on when the malfunction occurs, the scores as played may stand if so decided by the SLO (e.g. catastrophic malfunctions on the last ball of the game). A new game will typically be started on that machine; if the original machine will be out of service for an extended period another machine will be selected by whoever chose that machine or an SLO .

7.4.4.      Beneficial Malfunctions

Any malfunction which provides at least one player with a significant advantage over any other player competing on that machine is known as a beneficial malfunction. SLO shall determine what constitutes a significant advantage.

Any beneficial malfunction which results in a player being able to continue play of a ball that normally should have ended is normally allowed once per game. Examples of this would include an unexpected software ball save, a ball that bounces back into play without player action, or a ball that comes to rest on an unlit kickback in the outlane (which will lead to a ball search, kicking the ball back into play). Any such behavior shall not be allowed if it repeats, meaning that tournament officials may require players to allow the repeatedly-saved ball to drain, or play on the machine may be terminated in accordance with catastrophic malfunction rules, at which point repairs may be attempted.

Any beneficial malfunction which provides one or more players with a significant scoring or strategic advantage in a way that is not part of normal gameplay will void the score of the affected player(s), unless all immediately-affected players and SLO can agree on a suitable adjustment of the score or other elimination of the advantage. If the beneficial malfunction has been specifically avoided by the player, it is unlikely that a penalty is necessary. If any player score(s) are voided, the affected player(s) may then replay the game after the other players have finished, and the new score(s) are used for the affected player(s).

Examples of beneficial malfunctions would include a jackpot switch that registers when a different target is hit, a valuable switch that scores repeatedly without the ball contacting it, a failed Tilt sensor, or a ball stuck during multiball (See also “Stuck Balls”).

Any situation which indicates the presence of a beneficial malfunction should be brought to the attention of the SLO promptly. Any player who intentionally takes advantage of a significant beneficial malfunction may be given a warning and/or have their affected score interrupted and disqualified by the SLO. It is the responsibility of all members of a group to ensure that positive malfunctions are not abused.

7.5.  Stuck Balls

During the course of play, it is possible for one or more balls to become stuck on a playfield feature, usually after becoming airborne. If this happens during single ball play, the player must wait for automatic ball searches to occur. The expiration of any timed feature during this period is not considered a malfunction.

If the stuck ball has not been freed after two such searches, or if the machine is not performing searches for some reason, the player must alert an SLO.  The player must remain alert and at the machine, as they are responsible for the ball if it becomes freed at any point. Players are also responsible for holding in a flipper button while waiting, as some machines may end the turn early after multiple unsuccessful searches. In the event that a “chase” ball is served into the game, the player is responsible for continuing play, and a suitable malfunction will only be ruled if the machine is unable to function normally from this point forward.

An SLO may initially choose to try to free the stuck ball through judicious nudging, tapping, etc. The player must remain ready to resume play at the machine during this attempt. If actions by the official result in a Tilt, this will be treated as a malfunction and a consolation ball will be awarded. If the official frees the ball but the player does not successfully continue play, this is normal play (the fault of the player). Loss of Tilt warnings due to tournament official nudging is considered normal play.

If the SLO is unable to free the stuck ball, the machine will be opened, and the stuck ball removed and placed, at SLO discretion, in the plunger lane, on an upraised flipper, or another location in the machine that allows normal play to resume once the machine has been closed. If more than one ball is stuck, each freed ball will be placed according to the rules above, although possibly in multiple locations.

If the ball is inadvertently freed while the machine is open and drains without the player regaining complete control (stopped on a flipper), this will be treated as a malfunction and the player will be awarded a consolation ball. If the machine cannot be opened successfully, or if opening or closing the machine terminates the game(s) in progress for any reason, this will be treated as a catastrophic malfunction. If the ball is freed and the machine closed without the player’s loss of ball, play continues as normal.

Any player who chooses to shake or bump the machine in order to free a stuck ball does so at their own risk. No allowance will be made for a player who tilts while attempting to free a stuck ball, whether or not SLOs are present.

7.5.2 Multiball Stuck Balls

If a ball becomes stuck during a multiball mode, the player should attempt to trap the other ball(s) in play and request assistance. A stuck ball during multiball often represents a significant beneficial malfunction, and intentionally taking advantage may result in a penalty. Please note specifically that a ball ending up in the plunger lane during multiball on a machine where there is no autoplunger (or where the autoplunger for some reason refuses to fire) counts as a stuck ball. See “Beneficial Malfunctions” for further details.

Any player who misuses a game feature in order to intentionally trap a ball during a multiball mode, such as holding in the plunger in order to defeat the autoplunger, may be given a warning and/or have their affected entry interrupted and disqualified by SLO.

In situations where a ball is trapped in a way that it can be released through player action other than shaking or bumping – for example, a ball at rest underneath a flipper which the player controls – this is not deemed to be a stuck ball. Balls trapped in this fashion during multiball modes are not generally considered to be a rules violation, although the ruling will depend on the exact machine and situation.

7.6.    Multiple balls in single ball play

If a game puts multiple balls into play when not in a multiball (for example through a faulty physical lock or ball trough), the player should immediately attempt to drain one of the balls and return to single ball play.  If this ends their turn prematurely, the player can play a consolation ball.

7.7.    Gameplay Promptness

When a player’s turn comes up in a league match, they are expected to begin play promptly. If a league player does not begin play in a reasonable amount of time, the SLO may plunge the ball for him, and the player may not play the ball.

7.8.   Practice Games

The hour prior to meets is reserved for league practice, with the following rules to ensure fair access:

  • Players should not play the same game twice in a row; play another and circle back if available.
  • Players should start games with no more than two players.
  • No new games should be started 10 minutes prior to start time, and any games in progress will be terminated 5 minutes prior to start for announcements. Typically this would be 6:50 and 6:55, respectively.

Once league play starts, a player may not practice games that they are scheduled to play later in that match. Practice games are allowed on machines that a player is not scheduled to play during that match, if it does not interfere with league play by their own or other groups. Practice games must be ended immediately if a league group is ready to begin a scheduled game on that machine.

7.9.    Distractions

In general, random distractions that occur during league play (including minor physical bumps) are considered normal play conditions and no allowances are made for the effects of such distractions on a player’s game. However, excessive or intentional distractions created by a league player or their guest will result in a warning by SLOs, and subsequent distractions may result in penalties at their discretion up to and including forfeit of that meet.

7.10.     Non-League Players

League players do not take precedence over other customers at the establishment. Having a non-league customer play your ball is considered a distraction and not interference; control of the ball should be regained as quickly and politely as possible. It is the responsibility of league players to pay close attention to their game in progress to guard against this situation.

8.  Illegal actions

8.1.   Playing Own Unallowable Extra Ball

If a player nudges, flips, or otherwise plays their own unallowable extra ball they will forfeit that game.

If a player intentionally plays an extra ball in an attempt to improve their score in the hope that the other groups members don’t notice, will fall under the realm of cheating and will be dealt with as such.

This does not apply in cases where a player must flip once to avoid “infinite ball saves.”

8.2.    Playing Opponent’s Ball

The violator shall attempt to trap the ball(s) on a flipper as soon as the error is realized. On the second offense (per meet), the violator receives a machine score of zero (0) for the game.

If the affected ball was an unallowable extra ball, there is no additional compensation for the victim. Otherwise, the victim may choose one of three options: continue playing the erroneously plunged ball (if control can be recovered), play a single extra ball (Consolation ball), or replay the entire game (this is subject to SLO approval). The requesting player is responsible for ensuring that the next player does not begin play before a decision is announced. If they allow the game to continue without announcing their request, then it is presumed that they wish to continue the game and play an additional ball. If the game is replayed, the second (replay) score becomes their score on that game, regardless of whether it is better or worse than their previous effort. The rest of the group waits for the player to finish the replayed game before starting their next game.

Any player who plays out of turn deliberately in order to employ this rule will be disqualified entirely.

8.3.   Interference

Interference in another player’s game is not tolerated. Interference includes intentional slam tilts, tilting an opponent’s ball, or nudging the machine during another player’s ball, even if the action does not cause the victim to lose the ball. It also includes intentional distraction of a player during their play. Talking or coaching is not considered interference, unless the player at the machine specifically requests that they not be talked to during play.

An intentional slam tilt is one caused by an aggressive and excessive shove of the machine, or by an attempted bangback or deathsave. Any other slam tilt is considered accidental. All slam tilts are handled as catastrophic malfunctions.

If a player interferes with another player, causing a drain and/or loss of turn, the victim of the interference may request to replay the entire game. If the next player starts play with no decision announced, the victim is presumed to wish to continue their game. The interfering player is required to pay for the replayed, even if there are credits on the machine.

Interference is considered a serious violation of league play rules, and a penalty is attached. Serious violations are cumulative over an entire season, not just one match. For these violations, the following penalties are assessed:

  • First and second offense: Forfeit the current game with a machine score of zero (0).
  • Third offense: Forfeit of all games in the current match with machine scores of zero (0).

Behavior which causes a player or their guest to be ejected from the establishment by the management will be penalized as an automatic third offense, even if it occurs before or after league play.

  • Fourth offense: Forfeit of season. The player’s scores are wiped, and the player will be suspended from the league.

Violence of any kind against fellow players, vandalism of pinball machines or other property will be penalized as an automatic fourth offense.

8.4.    Not Starting the Proper Number of Games

If too many games are started inadvertently, balls for the extra games are plunged but not played. If too few games are started, additional games are started, if possible, so that the number of games on the machine matches the number of players in the group. If the proper number of games cannot be started by the above means for some reason, the game is ended immediately and a replay of the machine by all players commences. The player responsible for the wrong number of games being credited (who pressed the credit button) pays the cost of the restart.

8.5.   Out of Order Playing

Players must take their turn on all machines in the correct player order as determined by the scoresheet. If a player’s turn is incorrectly played by another group member, the group may take one of three actions:

  • If during the first ball, the group may elect to continue with the established order and adjust the score sheet accordingly.
  • The game restarts with all players in the correct order based on the scoresheet. The player or players who played out of order are responsible for paying.
  • The player who played out of order takes a score of zero for the game, and play proceeds in accordance with section 8.2

8.6.   Deathsaves and Bangbacks

Deathsaves and bangbacks (“biffs”) are techniques used by some players to return a ball back into play that has already gone down an outlane or otherwise drained. These techniques can significantly damage machines, and are therefore not allowed in SIP league play. A player that attempts to perform a deathsave or bangback will receive a machine score of zero (0) on that game, and must plunge any remaining balls without playing them. However, it is allowable for the ball to bounce back into play of its own accord.

8.7.   Unallowable Practice Games

While players are allowed to play other games while waiting to play league games during regular season nights or playoffs, players are prohibited from practicing on known tournament games in advance of competing on them.  This can give a player an unfair advantage, and knowingly breaking this rule is considered cheating.

8.8.  Delay of play

Players are responsible for making sure they are at their assigned machine when it is their turn to play.  Unless prior arrangements are agreed on (i.e., notified of brief bathroom break), if a player is not present at their turn a two-minute timer should be set by a group member, and if the player is still not present their ball plunged while observed by all members of the group. If a machine has an “auto launch” feature, absentee players will not be compensated for loss of balls if they are not present to play them.

8.9.    Cheating

Pinball can often be frustrating, especially during competition. SIP rules are designed to deal fairly with this fact, to encourage people to control themselves, and to compensate for various mishaps that might occur during play. On the other hand, violation of any rules with the clear intent of preventing another player from fairly playing the machine or of unfairly increasing one’s own score can only be described as cheating, and is not tolerated. Cheating will result in the player’s immediate suspension from the league.

9.   Prizes and awards

9.1.   Season Champion

The winner of A division finals for the season will be awarded the season champion trophy.

9.2.    Challenge Coins

In addition to standard league play, Challenge Coins may be made available for various activities and achievements during or outside of league play. Coin challenges are listed on this site or otherwise announced in advance.

10.    SIP locations (private)

Typically meets will be held at public locations; however, SLOs may occasionally schedule a meet at a private collection (usually a member’s home) . If this occurs the address, times, whether guests are allowed, and other info will be posted at least two weeks in advance.

Regardless of location, members must respect a host’s machines, and excessive roughness, banging on the glass, kicking machines, and vandalism will not be tolerated.  Members must also be respectful of our hosts ability to maintain their machines, and should report issues using a problem posting form, or in person in a respectful, non-accusatory manner.  Members who abuse these rules can, at the request of the host, or at the discretion of any SLO, be asked to leave the premises, and will also receive a zero on all games for the event.  Repeated offenses will result in suspension from the league.